With Finnish Digital Marketing, Google Ads advertising is an ongoing process in which advertising is regularly optimised and developed in accordance with the MRACE framework. With Google Ads advertising, we get to the Reach phase in particular, meaning that we reach as many relevant and ready-to-buy customers as possible for your business. In order for other steps in the framework (Act, Convert, Engage) to work, we usually recommend various content and page development ideas to our customers, for example.
The MRACE framework helps to design our customers’ digital marketing as a whole, where different channels and services support each other.
Read more about marketing the MRACE model: href=”https://www.digimarkkinointi.fi/blogi/en/building-a-sales-funnel-with-mrace-model-for-b2b-and-b2c-companies”>Building a sales funnel according to the MRACE model
What is our advertising optimization process like?
In the early stages, Google Ads collects as much data as possible, such as which keywords are converting or which keywords have received poor quality scores. When the results are noticed from the data, different conclusions are from them regarding the development of advertising. The conclusion could be, for example, that the number of conversions could probably be increased by automation, after first getting enough conversions per month with manual bidding strategies. Or the need to add more content to your site for certain keywords, because their quality scores are low.
The most common measures for developing Google Ads advertising
The more high-quality and integrity data we collect, the more likely the results are to increase. On the other hand, if Google Ads is not developed over the long term, the results are very likely to decline.
After the first month, we often notice different factors that could be used to develop your company’s marketing.
Here are 3 typical developments that we recommend to our customers after launching Google Ads.
1.Site development ideas in content production
Does the site have enough content on all the necessary landing pages? Landing pages directly affect the quality score earned by Google Ads, and thus e.g. ranking in the search results. If your quality scores are low, then the advertising costs will also increase. If your company deploys new services or product categories, they also need content. Is the site easy to use for your customers? Can your customers easily find what they are looking for on the site? If there are clear bottlenecks on the site that affect e.g. the conversion rate of the site, we may recommend site development through conversion optimization. In the case of online stores, it is important to develop the purchasing process if e.g. the exit rate is high or there are a lot of shopping cart rejections.
Are the texts selling or just service descriptions for your business? The site may already have a variety of content, but it is important to consider whether they are actually selling and written from the customer’s point of view.
All texts should find out as easily as possible how the customer will benefit from your service. For example, as a comparison, two options:
“We offer high-quality and reliable accounting services” VS “When you use our service, you will save 5 hours a week to develop your company’s business.”
The latter example was more effective because it better illustrated the benefits to the customer. Even if advertising has already produced results, the importance of good content can never be overemphasised.
Read more:How does the content of your website affect Google Ads quality scores
2. Utilization of automation
If you have accumulated enough conversions and data, deploying automation can make advertising more efficient. In Google Ads advertising, we can enable e.g. automated bidding strategies. We always use automation to support an expert, so advertising never revolves around automation alone.
When we see which keywords/campaigns are working, we can build e.g. with the help of various tools, accurate product-based ads. In product-based advertising, your customers will see accurate product ads for the very products they are interested in/are looking for.
Read more about automation: Utilization of artificial intelligence and automation in Google Ads advertising
3. Strategic marketing planning
Could another digital marketing channel support the whole? The MRACE framework aims to design and develop your company’s digital marketing as a whole. If we find that another channel supports your digital marketing strategy or enhances Google Ads advertising, we recommend that you implement it.
In the early stages of Google Ads advertising, the goals may be completely different, especially for a completely new service, than in a year’s time, for example. It is therefore important to update advertising and its objectives regularly. If, based on the data, we find that advertising should be scaled up, we can recommend an increase in the budget, for example.
The strategic development of Google Ads advertising takes your entire marketing into account. Sometimes the development measures are directly related to improving the quality of your ads, optimizing conversions, or your websites, for example, whose performance and customer friendliness also affect the quality of your advertising. To discuss what measures you could take to develop your Google Ads ad, feel free to contact us!